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Past Presidents
The Association is represented by members on a variety of fire-service related committees. Committee service is determined by board president appointment or recommendation.

BPSST Board of Directors

By law, OFDDA has a representative on the BPSST Board.  The representative is named by the OFDDA Board of Directors and then his/her name is submitted to the Governor for appointment.  The BPSST Board is the oversight committee of the Bureau of Public Safety Standards and Training.  This Committee meets on a monthly basis.


Bylaws and Policies

The Bylaws and Policies Committee annually reviews the Association’s constitution, bylaws, and policies, making any recommendations to the board for revising these documents.  This Committee meets as needed.

Committee Members:

Governor’s Fire Service Policy Council

The Fire Service Policy Council was created by statute to advise the Governor and the Legislature on issues affecting the fire service.  OFDDA holds one seat on the Council.  The Association’s Board of Directors submits a candidate for gubernatorial appointment to the Council.  The Council meets 6 to 10 times a year.


Joint Conference

The Joint Conference Committee works in conjunction with the Oregon Fire Chiefs’ Association in planning the annual joint fire conference.  By policy, the co-chair of this committee is the Association’s 1st Vice President.  This Committee usually meets on a monthly basis, January through June.

Committee Members:

Joint Fire Service Legislative

The Association President appoints the OFDDA representatives to the Joint Fire Service Legislative Committee.  Chairmanship of the committee alternates biannually between OFDDA and the Oregon Fire Chiefs’ Association.  The Committee reviews legislation during the legislative sessions and provides direction to the Association’s representatives.  In addition, the OFDDA representatives also serve on the Legislative Committee of the Special Districts Association of Oregon (SDAO).  The Joint Fire Service Legislative Committee meets semimonthly during legislative sessions.  SDAO’s Legislative Committee meets semimonthly during legislative sessions and bimonthly during the interim.

Committee Members:

National Association of Elected Fire Officials

The National Association of Fire Officials (NAFO) is comprised of elected fire service officials.  The association has three levels of membership:  state (comprised of statewide associations such as OFDDA), individual (open to any elected fire service official), and associate (open to any individual or organization affiliated with the fire service).  Each state member holds one seat and one alternate position on the NAFO board of directors.  The OFDDA President appoints the Association’s representative and alternate.  NAFO meets four to six times per year, typically out of state.



The Nominations Committee consults with interested members to develop a list of candidates for election to the OFDDA Board of Directors at the Association’s annual conference. 

Committee Member:

Oregon Life Safety Team

The Oregon Life Safety Team coordinates and implements consistent statewide fire prevention messages, campaigns, and model programs.



The Property Committee is comprised of the Association’s Past Presidents as appointed by the President.  The Committee meets as needed and is responsible for making recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding the maintenance, construction, and general operations of the Oregon Fire Service Center.

Committee Members:

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